Saturday, January 13, 2007

Apostle of Hustle

Alert reader Kate introduced me to Apostle of Hustle. The name can be a little bit of a tongue-twister, but I like the internal rhyme. As I want to evaluate this name objectively, I have not yet listened to their music, but I imagine it to be fun-kay.

HS and I agree that Ian Svenonius should take over this band name, by force if necessary. Ian Sven is truly the Apostle of Hustle. Not to name drop (ha, you know I love it), but last weekend, I found myself being the (soy) meat in an Ian sandwich. However, it was all G-rated. We were at a very small show at an art gallery and I was next to Ian Sven. HS asked me to pass his copy of Ian's new book (The Psychic Soviet) over for him to sign. Ian looked rather surprised. Ian MacKaye had been standing behind me for a while and interjected, "My name's Ian too...I can sign it!" Momentarily overcome, HS and I just laughed. The next time this happens (yeah, right), HS is going to respond with "Your name is Ian?" Yes, our curse is to always think of good come-backs too late.

But I digress...

Apostle of Hustle: 8.6


Katyola said...

Goodness. Sounds like you had an exciting weekend!

Anonymous said...

haha just came across this and thought of you

Amy said...

Thanks, Sarah. That's great. I know someone who's going to be upset about the disparaging comment about Gorilla Biscuits at that link...

eindeloze sfeer said...

Oh Amy, cavorting with Dischord celebs.

Amy said...

FdF, I'll have you know that Ian Sven was the Sassiest Boy in America! And where do you rank on the Sassy Scale, hmm?
(How do I put a link in a comment?)

eindeloze sfeer said...

link to amazon

With HTML hahahahah! I'll show you next time we commune.

(was that sassy?)