Wednesday, November 22, 2006

10,000 Maniacs

The power of a name: HS says he thought 10,000 Maniacs was a heavy metal band before he heard their music. We learned through Wikipedia that the band used to be named Burn Victims, which also sounds metal-esque (metallic?). The name was based on a movie called 2,000 maniacs, but I guess 2,000 was just not enough.

This name is fairly memorable and eye-catching, though it poses a problem in the CD store. Will it be filed under T, before A, or after Z? For this reason, I think bands should refrain from using a number or symbol in their names when possible.

10,000 Maniacs: Guest rater HS gives them "a 7.5 for false advertising, because they're not metal. If they were metal, they would get an 8."


Katyola said...

The 10,000 maniacs are in Natalie Merchant's head! By the way, whatever happened to her?

Amy said...

Perhaps they are. Natalie seems so nice--is she trying to tell us something? I think I saw her working at Anthropologie.